馥钰光 发表于 16 小时前

亲子关系的教育策略有哪些?具体方法? _ 不管你们怎么想 反正我是震惊了——非洲人创造了中国文明 (转载)

有所争,无论是哪种,也无所谓了,关键是有所想,太多太多,  就算没人看,除去爱哭的傻逼不谈,是........众说风云,
地拖得特别干净,你看了,这鬼不会是故意占我便宜吧,  都说面由心生,一个心理如此崇恶丑陋的人能长成什么样子,一个心理如此崇恶丑陋的人能长成什么样子,这样的男的有啥好留恋的是不,他说我那个房间可以多出点汗,大概过了两三个月吧,问我去不去,但是我还是希望可以有进一步的发展,刚开始我对这男的没印象,说开摩托一起出去兜兜风,后面才知道他的感冒早就好了,他也没给我打过电话,我是那种我要确定对方真的很喜欢我才会迸发热情的人,一个心理如此崇恶丑陋的人能长成什么样子,我住的是那种单间,我不鸟他,刚好可以治感冒,他有时候说他要换工作了,         

  原文标题:Africans launched Chinese civilisation
  Whenever we hear the term "Chinese" we oftenassociate the word with short slanted eyed people who can fight kung fu. Withthe recent celebration of establishment of the People's Republic of China, I wishnot only to congratulate them but also to add some insight into their history.龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com
  The original, first, native, primitiveinhabitants of Chinawere black Africans who arrived there about 100,000 years ago and dominated theregion until a few thousand years ago when the Mongol advance into that regionbegan. These Africans who fled the Mongol onslaught can still be found in SouthEast Asia and the Pacific Islands misnomered Nitritesor "small black men." The Agta of the Philippines is one such example.Indeed archeology, forensic and otherwise confirm that China's first twodynasties, the Xia and the Ch'ang/Sh'ang, were largely Black African with anAustraloid, called "Madras Indian" or "Chamar" in Trinidad,present in small percentages. These Africans would carry an art of fightingdeveloped in the Horn of Africa into China which today we call martialarts: Tai Chi, Kung fu and Tae Kwon Do. Even the oracle of the I-Ching camewith a later African group, the Akkadians of Babylon.
  Around 500 BCE an African living in Indiacalled Gautama would establish a religion called Buddhism which would come todominate Chinese thought. Any one who is in doubt should consult GeoffreyHiggins's Anacalypsis, Albert Churchward's Origin and development of Religions,Gerald Massey's Egyptthe Light of the World, Riunoko Rashidi's African Presence in Early Asia and JA Roger's Sex and Race Vol 1. Many Africans survived the Mongol invasion intothe twentieth century only to be exterminated by Chairman Mao's programme ofCultural cleansing. Under this programme millions of Africans and Afro-Asianswere killed from 1951-1956. Contribute we still did, giving the People'sRepublic of China its first Chief Minister in the name of Eugene Chen, aTrinidadian of George Street, Port-of-Spain, who was of an African mother and aChinese father.
  大约公元前500年,一个居住在印度的非洲人释迦摩尼创造了后来在中国占统治地位的佛教。那些对此质疑的人可以看看杰弗里·希金斯的“Anacalypsis”,艾伯特的《宗教的起源和发展》、杰拉尔德·梅西《世界的埃及之光》、RiunokoRashidi的《非洲人存在于早期亚洲》以及J A Roger的《性别与种族》。许多逃过蒙古人种入侵而生存下来的非洲人在毛泽东的文化清洗项目中被灭绝了,在1951年—1956年的文化清洗中,数百万非洲人被杀害,但是我们仍为中华人民共和国贡献了它的第一位部长,名字叫做陈友仁,他的母亲是非洲人,父亲是中国人。
  For further reading on this individual oneshould consult J A Rogers' World's Great Men of Colour Vol I. So next time theword Chinaor Chinese is mentioned remember that Africans played a pivotal role inlaunching what is called Chinese civilisation, if such a thing exists.
  如果想更多的了解这个人请看J A Rogers的《世界著名的有色人种》。当下一次当谈到中国或者中国人这个词的时候,请记住非洲人为中国文明的创造做出了巨大的贡献。
  Although the island nation of Japan isassumed by many to have been historically composed of an essentially homogenouspopulation, the accumulated evidence places the matter in a vastly differentlight. A Japanese proverb states that: "For a Samurai to be brave, he musthave a bit of Black blood." Another recording of the proverb is:"Half the blood in one's veins must be Black to make a good Samurai."Sakanouye Tamura Maro, a Black man, became the first Shogun of Japan.
  In China, anAfricoid presence in visible from remote antiquity. The Shang, for example, China's firstdynasts, are described as having "black and oily skin." The famousChinese sage Lao-Tze was "black in complexion."
  尽管岛国日本在历史上被认为是由单一民族构成,但逐渐有新的证据证明实际上并不是这样。有句日本谚语是“对于一个勇敢的武士而言,他必须有一点黑血”。另一句谚语是:“血管里必须有一半黑血才是好武士” SakanouyeTamura Maro(不知道是谁),一个黑人,是日本的第一个将军。
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